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What Relatives and Friends Must Know. Book by Patricia Irwin Johnston.

Deciding whether to adopt or how to do so? This book by Patricia Irwin Johnston is for you.

A podcast educating listeners the importance of children to knowing their birthparents.

A podcast helping birth mothers in their adoption journey.

A podcast where D Yvonne Rivers, a Birth Mom interviews other Birth Moms.

For Mother’s Who are Choosing an Adoption Plan. Book by Maureen Connelly

A Woman’s Guide to Placing a Child for Adoption. Book by Leslie Foge and Gail Mosconi

A 12-Step Process. Book by Jessalynn Speight and Alysia Foote.

A Christian-based Birthmother Grief Recovery Handbook. Book by Sharon Fox

A Christian-based book offering encouragement to birthmoms. By Terri Gake, M.S.